
Physicians and Advanced Practice Providers

MDs, DOs, Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants, and Other Advanced Practice Providers and Licensed Specialists

IMR clinics abroad rely on volunteer physicians, advanced practice providers (NP, PA, CRNA, NMW, etc.), and licensed therapists (RT, PT, OT, etc.) to diagnose and treat sick patients on medical mission trips. The specialties of the volunteers on each of our medical missions determines the make-up of the medical team, meaning it is different on each mission. But all volunteers work together to provide the best care possible for our patients.

Volunteer physicians and advanced practice providers on IMR medical missions may be specialists in pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, infectious disease, pain management (including acupuncture and chiropractic providers), physical medicine, geriatrics, family practice, or mental health. Nurses, respiratory therapists, physical therapists, and occupational therapists work side by side with physicians and advanced practice volunteers to provide comprehensive care for our patients. Nurses care for our well and mostly well patients and assess and recommend over-the-counter medications or work under standing orders to treat specific conditions. Doctors and advanced practice providers work in highly collaborative care teams that require every team member, including students and non-medical volunteers, to care for patients well.

Chief Medical Officer

Each mission has a volunteer doctor assigned as Chief Medical Officer. The CMO oversees all medical treatment and medical volunteers (nurses, physicians, PAs, NPs, paramedics, and EMTs) in IMR clinics. All major decisions, consults, interventions or procedures must be approved by the CMO in conjunction with the IMR Team Leader. The CMO is also a teaching resource and may lead teaching sessions during clinic along with other qualified personnel.

The CMO is also the mission physician for IMR volunteers. Any volunteer suffering from illness during a mission or with medical needs and questions should see the CMO and Team Leader.

Surgical Teams

On IMR surgical missions, we take surgeons of varying specialties and recruit candidates that match up with the team’s ability to provide care. These missions are longer in length because they include adequate time for prescreening candidates and setting up a surgical rotation. They also include post-surgery care and training for follow-up with local providers. Learn more about the roles of our surgical teams.

Roles for Volunteer Doctors, PAs, NPs, and Other Advanced Practice Providers in Clinic


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