Complementary Medicine Professionals
Specialists in complementary medicine are in high demand on our missions:
- Podiatry
- Physical Therapy
- Acupuncture
- Chiropractic
- Psychology
- Dermatology
- Osteopathy
- Optometry
- Ophthalmology
- Geriatrics
- Family Medicine
- Internal Medicine
- Surgery
- Pediatrics
- Many Others!
We see many patients with significant pain, issues with past injuries, prosthetic limbs, trauma, mental ailments (mostly depression and anxiety), and other concerns. Your expertise allows our patients the opportunity to learn much more about their injuries and to manage them separately from medication management. You will be able to work with patients individually and in groups. If you have specific tools that you use day to day (remember most of our clinics are without electricity), please bring them!
The role of a complementary professional varies not only in the destination and the population being served but also by your specialty. You will always practice within your expertise and comfort level, in addition to supporting other members of your team with guidance on unique circumstances. Our patients will have the incredible opportunity to learn more about their ailments and injuries because of your expertise – you will be a great asset to your team!
Given the needs of the individuals we encounter in clinics, my services tend to focus on two main categories of symptoms: depression and anxiety. I provide basic education about the symptoms and teach techniques to decrease symptoms that they can take with them and teach others in their villages. I also monitor those waiting for clinic services to identify those who may be in need of my services.
One specific example: One village we served in Madagascar had a particularly high incidence of cognitive disabilities in the community's young adult population. I provided support in how to ask questions and managed behavioral concerns of this population to those doing triage.
For team members, the dedicated individuals that participate in these missions often forget to practice self-care. This is particularly true for those who are students or non-practitioners. I often debrief particularly challenging encounters either due to serious health conditions or behavioral responses from those who come to clinic.
To my family and friends, I could not have done this without your love and support! THANK YOU so much!!
To my IMR crew, you guys and girls were amazing. It was an honor and a privilege working with you. I’m going to miss you all!!
Thank you all for making this possible!

Thank you to the people of Haiti for filling my heart with so much gratitude and reassuring me that this is what I am meant to do. Thank you to International Medical Relief for allowing us to provide care for over 1,000 citizens and allowing me to work with an amazing crew! Until next time.

My heart is truly so full and I am so thankful I was able to be a part of this team. The team was made up of 42 amazing people from all over the U.S. The people of Kenya were absolutely wonderful and so kind and gracious. We were able to help 1,377 patients on this mission!!
If anyone is considering a mission mission, I hope you will consider International Medical Relief. I definitely hope to do more missions for sure and I will never forget this mission of a lifetime.

Together we have triaged, diagnosed, prescribed for, and treated over 600 patients in just three days, and will continue for a few more days. We’ve seen everything from malaria, infectious wounds, amebiasis, tuberculosis… to appendicitis, sepsis, and splenomegaly.
All with the help of some skilled, hardworking translators.
It’s been exhausting but rewarding, and one of the few times in life I’m eager to wake up and start the day.

It never ceases to amaze me how great of an impact people can have when we come together for a unified mission. I mean, our team was just a bunch of strangers that all gathered in one place, with one goal: to serve and give to the people of Haiti.
How amazing!
To give selflessly is truly the GREATEST experience of being human. Thank you to IMR for being an organization that strives to make a difference in this world.

Join Us in Making a Difference.
You can join an IMR medical mission team or donate today!