We have received many, many testimonials from our volunteers over the years regarding their experience on a medical mission with IMR. These are just a few.

This was my first mission with IMR. My experience was amazing. Everyone is so professional within the organization and team and the things we accomplished together can’t be counted – that’s the best part!! We did so many things and it was incredible. It was one of the best experiences of my life. Thank you! – Sara
I have been on two trips with IMR and have had incredible experiences both times. The people I have served beside and the people I have had the honor of serving have all been incredible people with huge hearts. While I go on these trips to give something back to others, I end up taking so much more home with me. IMR provides working healthcare professionals and those outside of healthcare an incredible opportunity to learn about and care for our fellow man from a wide range of backgrounds and development settings. IMR is incredibly organized and provide their teams with safe, top-notch experiences. PJ and Karla are incredible and work around the clock for their teams! I will definitely serve with IMR again and I recommend IMR to anyone interested in going on a medical mission. – Courtney
Dental Student, Panama
International Medical Relief is an amazing organization to be a part of! As a volunteer, I went abroad to Panama with Carrie, a talented individual of many team leaders, and served communities within the Colon region. The trip taught me a plethora of skills such as team-building, collaboration, time management, and organization. Most importantly, it was an eye-opener of how healthcare can be adapted to settings that do not have access to certain equipment. As a Pre-Dental student, this trip helped me gain a broader view of global health and I highly encourage anyone who is interested in one of these trips to take the leap. You will not regret it! – Crystal

There is no greater gift than the service to others, International Medical Relief is the nonprofit to get you there. You will be challenged, humbled, exhausted and inspired in ways that impact you as a human being and as a healthcare provider. Service with IMR is essential to being the best provider possible. You will be forever changed. – Stesha
An exceptional group that provides safe, well orchestrated trips providing exceptional and responsible care to populations of underserved people. Through IMRs hard work and dedication, we as health care providers are able to live out our dreams to care for those that need it most. I will forever be indebted to IMR for the world they opened up to me and connections they allowed me to have with the people we served. – Dr Dan
Elizabeth, Team South Africa
A hug is an amazing thing. It’s just the perfect way to show the love we’re feeling but can’t find the words to say. I have no words to describe today. Today I hugged so many men, women, and children. Today we went to the most amazing community. Women, children, and men walked for miles to come to our clinic, some with shoes, some without. We saw around 160 people today. While the children waited they played futbol with some of our members. They enjoyed toys, whistles, and coloring books. We treated for infections, worms, chronic pain, and rashes, to name a few. Smiles and laughter filled the three-room school house. The smiles, hugs, and handshakes were limitless. The love that filled the rooms was endless. Someone once told me that to make a difference in someone’s life you don’t have to be brilliant, rich, or beautiful. You just have to care.
Bronwyn, Team Tanzania
The sun has set on our week-long medical mission mission with International Medical Relief. I’m so insanely grateful to everyone that helped me get here and be a part of something so special. We saw and helped over 700 people and I now have 22 new dear friends for life – two of whom got engaged on this mission! Tanzania, your beautiful country full of wonderful people will always have a huge chunk of my heart.

Michelle, Team Guatemala
Evelyn is PURE GOLD. She and Wanita made the mission extra amazing with their wit, professionalism, competence and excellent organization of every clinic every day. Their hearts shine in everything they do. So appreciate Wanita taking and sharing her photos and Evelyn telling her stories. Cannot imagine any other organization as well run as IMR. I was hesitant to attend as I am not medically trained. Both ladies took extra time and attention to put me in positions where I could do the most good and feel like I contributed to the team as a whole. Can’t thank them enough. I will happily recommend IMR to family and friends for the attention to detail and safety record. Heartfelt thanks to Evelyn and Wanita for a job well done and to IMR for giving them the tools to help us help others!
Tessa, Team Nepal
This past week, I had the most amazing opportunity to provide health care as a nursing student in Nepal with a group of incredible health professionals. We worked in remote mountain villages, refugee camps, or just under tarps in the rain seeing over 1,200 patients. Needless to say it was one of the coolest things I’ve done and I feel so, so blessed, and grateful to everyone who helped me get here!

Eric, Team Panama
We arrived at our first clinic, which was an hour away by bus and another hour and fifteen minutes away by motorized canoe. We arrived in a small village of 200+ residents where we were welcomed with open arms and taken care of like celebrities. We treated 182 patients with many injuries / needs, extracted 18 teeth, and provided medical education and household / medical supplies. The people of San Juan were beyond appreciative for our help. An experience that I will remember for a lifetime.
Heather, PA, Team Zambia
Being able to be fully immersed in a foreign culture is so rewarding. I love eating the food, learning the customs, seeing how people who seemingly have nothing are happy and grateful for everything. I think that gets me the most after these missions. I feel so bad for the patients I see, and I wish so badly I could do more for them, but even if I just give them Tylenol they are so incredibly grateful it is unreal. This mission was incredible! I love Zambia, the people, the culture, the food. Everyone was so nice and helpful. I would recommend it to anyone.
Meagan, Team Panama
One day you realize why the life you planned didn’t work out and instead you are lucky enough to be doing far more amazing things than you ever could have possibly imagined.

Katie, Team Haiti
Haiti will always hold a special place in my heart, and what I learned will stay with me forever. I felt guilty coming back to my life here knowing what I was leaving behind, but I have a stronger appreciation for the little things in life. (Like not having to brush my teeth with bottled water anymore.) Thank you to everyone who supported me along this journey, and thank you to my IMR team – who knew 11 strangers could become so close in such a short amount of time?! I can’t wait for my next opportunity to serve, whenever that may be.
Copper, Team Cambodia
Thank you to all the translators who unceasingly supported us with patience and joy throughout this mission. To our providers, Donna, Dr. Ni-ni, and Dr. Lapman, thank you for imparting your knowledge to us. One can hope to be as excellent of a provider as you all are. To other fellow volunteers: nurses, EMTs, students, Amy, and many more – thank you! As someone who grew up in an underserved community, this does not only make me feel very thankful, but also hopeful that many other medical professionals will dedicate some of their time in volunteering and providing care to underserved communities.

Michelle, Team Guatemala
Evelyn is PURE GOLD. She and Wanita made the mission extra amazing with their wit, professionalism, competence and excellent organization of every clinic every day. Their hearts shine in everything they do. So appreciate Wanita taking and sharing her photos and Evelyn telling her stories. Cannot imagine any other organization as well run as IMR. I was hesitant to attend as I am not medically trained. Both ladies took extra time and attention to put me in positions where I could do the most good and feel like I contributed to the team as a whole. Can’t thank them enough. I will happily recommend IMR to family and friends for the attention to detail and safety record. Heartfelt thanks to Evelyn and Wanita for a job well done and to IMR for giving them the tools to help us help others!
Ian, Cambodia
Before I went on this mission I honestly did not know what to expect, especially since this was my first time travelling abroad by myself. IMR exceeded all my ideas of what this experience would be like, from the organization of the clinic to the ability of our team leader to corral us from location to location. Through IMR I learned that Cambodia had more to offer the world than tourist destinations, and honestly made me fall in love with the country and people.
Alexis, Team Vietnam
Today Melissa and I did amazing things. We (through the IMR Partner Program and International Medical Relief) were able to get two wheelchairs for a patient with cerebral palsy and a war veteran amputee. The mother of the CP patient carried her son miles on her back to be seen at our clinic because he had no mobility.
I cannot even put into words how I feel. My heart is more than full and I have definitely fallen in love with the people of Vietnam.
Michelle, RN, Team Senegal
My first medical mission experience in Senegal is one I will never forget. Coming into a new country and jumping completely out of my comfort zone, I had no idea what to expect. I’ve been a nurse for over a year and I’ve always dreamed of going on a medical mission mission to Africa. I’m so glad I chose to go to the most hospitable county of Senegal and was able to work with some of the most amazing people I’ve ever met… Thank you all for showing me what it truly means to change the world and for letting me be a part of it. I’ve learned so much from each and every one of you and this mission with always hold a special place in my heart.
Madison, Team Nicaragua
I can’t begin to convey the sheer admiration, respect, and love I have for all these people. This mission to Nicaragua, documenting International Medical Relief’s mission to make a very simple yet profound impact on the lives of those less privileged has touched my heart and helped guide it in a more meaningful direction. The bravery and unbridled sense of kindness woven throughout these people’s character and this experience has shown me something new and refreshing that I will never forget. From our IMR crew to the people of Nicaragua, you will be with me always.

Jordan, Team Philippines
Personally, I have never felt more sure of my path and my decision to serve my community in healthcare. I have been enlightened in observing the way each member of IMR’s volunteer team contributes something individual and unique but also incredibly critical to the team as a whole.
Sarah, RN, Team Uganda
If you ever have a chance to go to Africa to take cold showers, coat yourself in 100% deet, sleep in mosquito nets, and work long days in the heat…you should. This is the most amazing thing I’ve ever experienced. I wish I could put into words what this does to your heart. I thought I was coming here to save these people…instead they’re saving me.
Juliette, Team Himalayas
Yesterday I just sat down in my apartment and cried. This mission has been overwhelming in the greatest possible way. The pain, the fear, the accomplishment, the pride, the vulnerability, the innocence of it all is beautiful to me. Feelings I never thought I had the capacity to feel. Perception that I didn’t think existed until now. A reality that was unknown to me. I just would like to give an enormous thank you and the warmest of hugs to the entire team, the team leader, the guides, the porters, and to International Medical Relief. You guys are out of this world amazing.

Erin, RN, Team Thailand
I can’t thank IMR enough for giving me the opportunity to work along side so many amazing team members, and to provide care to such loving communities in need. I can’t wait until my next medical mission!
Dr. Amina, Team Peru
The children…taught me how little it takes from each of us giving just a piece of our heart, time, served with a slice of kindness to change the world around us. I feel so fortunate to have experienced this first day on my mission mission to Peru with IMR. It was an eye opening experience at many levels, but at the heart of it all was the enthusiasm, generosity, and love of all those I volunteered with. I look forward to future service missions around the world with International Medical Relief.
Michelene, RN, Team Ethiopia
An older gentleman slowly shuffles over and sits down in front of me with his walking staff and his traditional white priest robe dressed in a dusty gray suit stitched on the cuffs several times with red thread in repair, you know these are possibly his only clothes. He clutches a small ratty prayer book in his hands and motions to his eyes and shakes the prayer book at me. Without even the assistance of the translator I realize his goal: to be able to read his daily prayers.
I take out my pen light and see his eyes are both are clouded over with cataracts but I have a small solution. I reach into my bag of donated $3 reading glasses and pick out the last pair: bright red ones. I put them on his face and he looks down at the words in his tattered book and tears start to stream down his face. With the biggest almost toothless smile, he grabs my hand in his rough one and kisses it multiple times. The simple luxury of picking out some cute +2.00 frames at Walgreens was not his. But with tears in my eyes, I knew I had made a difference and my heart was full once more.
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