
Emergency Funds for Disaster Relief

Donate for Hurricane Helene Relief

International Medical Relief saves lives in communities around the world, including those in the United States. When disaster strikes in one of those communities, unrestricted, tax-deductible donations made to IMR allow us to rapidly react. We can quickly respond with supplies for our partners and volunteers in the field to start saving lives no matter what the disaster.

As a non-governmental organization, our funding comes from grants and private donations from people who care and want to make a difference… just like you. Because of donations made to the area of greatest need, in an emergency we can mobilize immediately without having to pause to ask for donations or find grants for financial support and respond with lifesaving care.

Help us to save lives in the U.S., Ukraine, Turkey, Guatemala, Haiti, Nepal, and around the world.

Help save lives! Please select your tax-deductible gift amount and give today.

Over the Years


Patients Daughters Sons Moms Dads Sisters Brothers Grandparents Aunts Uncles Friends Helped by IMR

patients served in 2019
patients served in 2020
patients served in 2021


Poland/Ukraine, 2022-2024, Russian conflict

Beginning in April, 2022, IMR teams responded to accommodation centers in Warsaw, Poland that were managing and housing the flood of Ukrainians escaping the conflict with Russia. Donations of medical supplies and medicines were used to treat medical conditions of the residents of the centers as well as support four hospitals in Ukraine.

Our volunteer teams are serving this vulnerable population by offering much-needed medical and dental care directly to the displaced Ukrainians in Poland, Norway, and Belgium. IMR volunteers are working alongside other qualified volunteers and medical professionals to provide care to some of the most marginalized citizens.

Bahamas, 2019, Hurricane Dorian


19 teams sent to the Bahamas over six weeks. In Freeport, volunteer teams responded to the aftermath of the hurricane and traveled from house to house to deliver medical care to those unable to leave. They treated injuries and illness secondary to the flooding and generalized poor living conditions, and helped patients who were unable to obtain their medications manage uncontrolled chronic illness including diabetes and hypertension.

In addition, thousands of pounds of donated medical equipment and supplies were transported by float plane to Nassau to aid displaced storm refugees.




Guatemala, 2018, Volcán de Fuego volcano eruption


Following the volcano eruption, we mobilized a team of 81 volunteers led by seasoned disaster relief responders and a burn specialist from UC Davis Medical Center Burn Center. We responded to communities most affected by the volcanic ash, which had covered the landscape with a thick, gray talcum powder-like substance.

Patients had respiratory illnesses, lung irritation, and chest discomfort as the result of inhaling the fine particles. Burns and skin irritations from the volcanic heat and ash were widespread, and many developed into secondary staph infections that required treatment with antibiotics.

Lombok, Indonesia, 2018, earthquake


A strong earthquake hit the island of Lombok in Indonesia in July and several strong aftershocks followed. Officials in Indonesia reported more than 500 deaths and thousands of quake-related injuries. Entire villages were flattened, and people struggled to find shelter. Months later, many communities had yet to receive aid or healthcare because of limited access. The IMR disaster relief team of 19 assisted in makeshift clinics set up following the earthquakes to provide acute medical care. Some required walking over a mile carrying medical supplies to access. Our relief efforts also included installing water filters into cisterns to provide villagers with clean water. These water filters were purchased through donations made by IMR supporters.


We Need You

Help save lives! Please select your tax-deductible gift amount and give today.