
Complementary Medicine Professionals

Specialists in complementary medicine are in high demand on our missions:

We see many patients with significant pain, issues with past injuries, prosthetic limbs, trauma, mental ailments (mostly depression and anxiety), and other concerns. Your expertise allows our patients the opportunity to learn much more about their injuries and to manage them separately from medication management. You will be able to work with patients individually and in groups. If you have specific tools that you use day to day (remember most of our clinics are without electricity), please bring them!

The role of a complementary professional varies not only in the destination and the population being served but also by your specialty. You will always practice within your expertise and comfort level, in addition to supporting other members of your team with guidance on unique circumstances. Our patients will have the incredible opportunity to learn more about their ailments and injuries because of your expertise – you will be a great asset to your team!


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