
Clean Water

Help Us Reduce the Incidence of Fatal Water-Borne Illnesses

Sokha loves to go to school each day.  The walk isn’t too far and she enjoys watching the families in the morning hours prepare for their day. Some days she is so happy, she skips along the path the entire way.

Last year, Sokha didn’t get to go to school as often as she wanted. The water in the well in her village is contaminated. The contaminants make her sick. And when she is sick, she can’t go to school.

But this year is different. With the help of donations to buy water filters, IMR was able to bring clean water to Sokha’s school. Now Sokha is able to drink water that is healthy for her body. She doesn’t get sick. She can go to school every day and receive an education. Sokha is living the dream of every girl in Cambodia.

Sokha is Happy. Sokha is Healthy. Sokha is Strong.

With a Donation of $100 IMR Can Provide a Complete Water Filter System for a Community Like Sokha’s That Has No Access to Clean Water

The More Water Filters we can Purchase and Install, The More Lives We Can Save.

Well water before it is filtered.

The simple, compact water filter attaches to a large plastic bucket. Dirty water pours in, the filter removes harmful bacteria and contaminants, and safe, clean water runs out. Water can be filtered as it is needed, whether it’s to fill a water bottle for a thirsty child at school or to fill a cooking pot for a family’s meal.

  • 2.1 billion people live without safe water at home.
  • More than 700 children under 5 years of age die every day from diarrhea linked to unsafe water and poor sanitation.
  • IMR water filters have already reduced water-borne illnesses by 75% in one village in Ecuador.
  • IMR currently works actively across the globe. Our goal is to install 100 water filtration systems in communities every month.

Make the Difference for Children Like Sokha. Sign up for a mission or Donate Today.

The Global Water Crisis

Surveying Communities

Guided by the World Health Organization’s report on household surveys for drinking water and sanitation, International Medical Relief is surveying communities to identify the core sources of water, frequency of obtaining water, responsible persons in each household for obtaining water, secondary sources of water, number of sources of water in a community, utilization of water by each family member and for what purpose, quantity of water consumption, and most importantly, sources of drinking water. From here we identify what water is safe and what water needs to be improved.

Sustainable Education

International Medical Relief teaches community members the methods of adequate water treatment methods as defined by the World Health Organization as appropriate methods to disinfect water to kill harmful pathogens. These techniques include boil, bleach/chlorine, water filter, and solar disinfection.

Each Water Filter from IMR Purifies One Million Gallons of Water.

Saving Lives

The fiber membrane filters distributed by IMR are developed using dialysis technology — the hollow fiber membrane filter has tiny U-shaped microtubes with pores no larger than 0.1 micron. They filter harmful bacteria and contaminants such as protozoa or cysts like E. coli, Giardia, Vibrio cholerae and Salmonella typhi, which cause Cholera and Typhoid. The filter uses gravity and can be attached to any bucket or bag. The extremely fast flow rate and compact size – it weighs just 3 ounces – allows families and members of a small community to filter water as they need it, eliminating the need for a large water storage system. Our water filters are a one-time investment and can be cleaned out very easily. There are no parts that need to be replaced and no power sources required to operate the filter. Each filter, bucket, and installation costs $100. It can generate 500 gallons of water per day and provide one million gallons of water over its lifetime (approximately 10 years) for a family or small community. Join the Water Revolution.