Zambia | August 7-14, 2021

Thanks to Amity, RN, one of our fabulous Zambia team members for sharing her photos and reflections on her experiences.

Here I am teaching hypertension prevention to these beautiful women and explaining stroke symptoms. I have seen well over 300 patients this week and the most prevalent ailment I’ve come across is hypertension. And really, only in a limited amount. The people we visited today had very few and minor complaints, mostly arthritic pain and the need for reading glasses.

Visiting the local village of Mukuni. We were blessed to be able to visit the palace. Before you enter, you kneel and clap three times in respect of the chief.

There is so much behind this picture. This is my favorite of the trip so far. As I was checking out the kids’ toys, I asked them if they like music, if they like to dance. They all said yes so I pulled out my phone to put some music on for them. They were SO excited and started hitting all the buttons on Spotify to change songs. One of the songs that came up was Send Me on My Way by Rusted Roots and the kids all started dancing… the boy in the peach shirt was so so into it! He had some moves for real! They were all so adorable. My cup runneth over.
I cannot believe I was crying my eyes out after talking to my family and decide to go for a walk to get my mind off how freaking scared I am to be here alone and what do I see?? Not 1, not 2 but 3 adorable giraffe, and a family of zebra. Then a sweet family invited me over to watch the sunset with them. I’m ok. Africa is pretty cool so far.
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