IMR Announces Plan for 2010 to Help Eradicate Malaria

The World Health Organization estimates that each year 300-500 million cases of malaria occur and more than 1 million people die of malaria, especially in developing countries. The majority of these deaths occur with children. The high cost of medicines and loss of production that arise as a result of the epidemic take an incredible toll on the economies of countries that in many cases are already crippled.
IMR’s approach is simple. Our basic premise focuses on educating the remote communities that we serve about malaria, the risks, and prevention techniques. These techniques can be as simple as covering skin during times of day where malaria mosquitoes present a higher risk of biting, to providing bed nets to communities for protection. We give simple solutions to help eradicate malaria in the communities that we serve. IMR has made a commitment that on every medical trip to a malaria risk region we will provide community education on this topic. Medicines for those infected with the disease are distributed after the patient has been given education.
In 2010, International Medical Relief plans to continue our project of providing insecticide-treated bed nets that provide inexpensive and lasting protection against mosquitoes. In 2007 we distributed over 500 bed nets to the Wukro Hospital for their HIV and TB wards.
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$10 Donation can provide preventative coverage for an entire family with an insecticide-treated bed nets. Click here to help »
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