

A volunteer dentist has instruments ready to go on one of our IMR dental missions

Dental Instrument Loan

IMR has an inventory of two surgical instrument sets available for rental to licensed professionals. A major credit card (Visa, MasterCard) is required before these instruments will be loaned. Applicants are responsible for usage fees, shipping charges, and the safe return of ALL instruments loaned. We must have on file the completed IMR Policy Statement, IMR Instrument Loan Policy, and a copy of your current license before instruments will be shipped. Requests for kits are filled on a first come, first served basis. All applicants must return the IMR Instruments sterilized, minus any organic debris, and in the condition in

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Educational Library by Location

Download information specific to the country you are visiting by clicking on a button below. Don’t see your country? We’re still adding them here so you’ll receive yours by email. Need a supplies drive poster and your country isn’t listed below? Click here. Argentina Belize Brazil Cambodia Costa Rica Cuba Dominican Republic Ethiopia Gambia Guatemala Himalayan Expedition Haiti Honduras India Indonesia Israel Kenya Madagascar Malawi Myanmar Nepal Nicaragua Panama Peru Philippines Poland Puerto Rico Rama Island Rwanda Senegal South Africa Syria Tanzania Thailand Thailand Gulf Tonga Transnistria (Moldova) Trinidad & Tobago Turkey Uganda Vietnam Zambia

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Community Health Education Materials

Basic health classes should be taught to every patient in clinic. All other classes should be taught as appropriate for the patient. Download available handouts by clicking the link below the class name. Additionally, some classes will be taught individually as appropriate for each patient, depending on the subject matter. Providers can also teach basic classes as needed for individual patients.

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A Day in Clinic

Every clinic looks and feels differently. The site, the number of patients and their culture, and the capability of the team all contribute to the uniqueness of the day. IMR clinics are designed to benefit the care our patients receive. You can expect to see each department in clinic to have a unique space.

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Volunteer Roles

While every clinic is different depending on the condition of our patients and the volunteers that make up our teams, here are examples of some of the roles our volunteers play: Sick Providers (Physicians/Advanced Practice Providers), Well Providers (RN/EMT-P), Dental Providers, Clinical Pharmacists, Triage (RN/EMS), ICU/Laboratory/Wound Care (RN/EMS), Statistics (Providers/RN/EMS).

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Medical & Dental Routine

IMR welcomes all medical and non-medical volunteers in our clinics. Physicians, advanced practice providers, nurses of all levels of training, medical and dental assistants, emergency services personnel, and students of every kind are welcome here and collaborate closely so that we don’t just see patients, we see patients well.

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Guatemala, Jun 29-Jul 6, 2019

Amazing….. That’s such a simple word but after spending this past week on my first international trip it is the perfect word. I have spent the last week in what is (in my opinion) the most beautiful place in the world, the sights, sounds, smells, people, and feelings in Guatemala are absolutely incredible. I did not know what to expect going into an unknown country and an unknown experience, I just know I wanted to hopefully make an impact on some lives that may possibly be less fortunate than mine. When we arrived we were greeted with open arms and

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