

June 29, 2025 — July 5, 2025

Starting at: $2,500

Save $200! Sign up before March 31, 2025 and pay the Early Bird price of only $2,500!

Your generous donation helps to save and change lives every day.

Your charitable investment will go toward ongoing global relief to care for the underserved and vulnerable people of this community. As a member of this medical mission team, you will elevate the long-term impact of sustainable, capacity-building efforts that improve the health, wellness, and quality of life of those most in need.


The Need

Healthcare in Panama is provided through a system that includes both the government and a private sector. However, there is an unequal distribution of healthcare services and resources, especially in rural communities. The public health care system also faces a lack of funding, which creates bed and resource shortages. Also, the majority of doctors and health care providers prefer to work in Panama City due to the higher number of patient loads and more economic opportunity.

People who live in rural areas are often unable to access health facilities. As a result, many native Panamanian tribes struggle to live a high-quality and healthy life. Please join International Medical Relief on our medical mission to Panama. This year, we will return to assist the indigenous communities and people living in small villages throughout the country. By helping to implement inaugural programs and continuing to assist the indigenous people, you and the rest of your IMR team will make a lasting impact in Panama.

Our Work

International Medical Relief began partnering with Panama in 2013. Since then, we have responded with nearly 350 volunteers and staff that served more than 6,500 patients. IMR plans to continue our preventative efforts by providing medical relief and to continue the efforts to provide sustainable health services to the community. IMR will continue to provide community health training, medical treatments, medical supplies and equipment, and clinic operations. IMR strives to provide life-changing medical care to people who do not have reliable access to treatment and help increase the community’s education and knowledge on their own health to improve the overall health of the most vulnerable and underserved communities in Panama.

With diligent planning and preparation, IMR is dedicated to ensuring that specific goals are met on our missions, each in correlation to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 3, 6, and 17.

IMR works to elevate vulnerable populations through shoulder-to-shoulder care with our local partners, creating workforce density, and a cadre of future healthcare and public health leaders in association to UNSDG 3: Good Health & Wellbeing.

Our medical mission teams also work toward UNSDG 6: Clean Water & Sanitation by supporting and strengthening the participation of local communities in improving their water quality, and installing water filtration systems that supply communities with clean drinking water and providing education on hydration and hygiene.

In correlation with UNSDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals, our organization works in collaboration and at the request of local hosts where we are under their direct influence and affluence. IMR never goes into a country without a formal invitation where there is a great community need for medical or dental care, and health education.

This Mission

Each day of clinic will be spent in the heart of a new village, or at a local dump. Community members will be eager to welcome you and receive much-needed treatment and education. According to the World Health Organization, diarrheal diseases, cholera, and pneumonia are affecting the people of Panama, but poverty and lack of potable drinking water make day-to-day life incredibly difficult. During clinic, you can expect to assist entire families that span multiple generations. The services that you provide will range from treatment of rashes, burns, and open wounds to care for tinea, impetigo, cutaneous leishmaniasis, and staph infections.

You and the rest of the volunteer team will also educate locals on how to stay healthy and how to care for their loved ones. One of the main focuses of this mission is dentistry. Because dental pain is common here and all community members are encouraged to attend, the demand for dental care will be high. Another main focus of this mission is women’s healthcare. We will provide general women’s and infant care, as well as strengthen prenatal care knowledge.

On the final day of the trip, the team will stay at a luxurious resort in Panama City and have the opportunity to see the world famous Panama Canal. You will also have the option to take advantage of several excursions, including sportfishing; aerial tram tour of the rainforest; visit to Embera Indigenous Village; Gatun Lake Expedition; River Boat Tour; Night Safari with possible sightings of monkeys, caiman, capybara and two-toed sloths; kayaking on the Panama Canal; or relaxing at the resort.


Your team will stay at various lodging in different cities and at campsites in the jungle! On this mission, you will experience life in the small villages, so come prepared to share your culture and learn about the traditions that inspire Panama’s indigenous ways of life. IMR will arrange all the transportation to and from clinic sites and your overnight accommodations.


The highlight of this mission is serving patients who, without you and your team, would not have access to healthcare and health education. Your patients will mostly be from indigenous families and working communities and will be eager to receive your treatment and kindness. Although the most rewarding and memorable aspect of this trip will be caring for the people of Panama, you will cherish the other memories that you make this week! To help thank you for your tireless dedication to humanitarian aid, IMR has arranged for your team to take a one-day tour of the Panama Canal and the Miraflores Lock Visitors Center. Your team will also have the opportunity to visit some of the most pristine landscapes in Panama, including numerous waterfalls down the countryside.

Extend Your Stay

Extend Your Stay

Since you are already venturing across the globe, have you considered extending your stay by a few days to see a nearby destination? Many of our previous volunteers have chosen to extend their time in Panama in order to experience more of what this amazing country has to offer!

With time to partake in world-class fishing, kayak through the Panama Canal, take a tram tour of the rainforest or enjoy the Gatun Lake Expedition, this trip extension gives our volunteers an experience of a lifetime. Other highly recommended activities include hiking to Panama’s only volcano, viewing the famous Quetzal at the Parque Nacional Volcan Baru, and searching for the Geoffroy’s tamarin monkey.

To see what opportunities are available to you, please visit the website of our partner, Worldwide Navigators for more information. You can also contact them directly at (970) 633-3033 or travel@worldwidenavigators.com.

Itinerary at a Glance

Sunday, June 29, 2025

Arrivals & Orientation

Monday, June 30, 2025


Tuesday, July 1, 2025


Wednesday, July 2, 2025


Thursday, July 3, 2025


Friday, July 4, 2025


Saturday, July 5, 2025



Please View Full Itinerary in the Next Tab

Sustainable Impact

Your Journey


Full Itinerary

This itinerary is subject to change without notice.

You will need to arrange your flight destination to be Tocumen International Airport (PTY) in Panama City. If you need assistance booking flights, please contact Worldwide Navigators, our preferred travel agency, at travel@worldwidenavigators.com. You may also choose to arrange transportation from the airport to your accommodation, which you may purchase from within your portal under Trip Add-Ons.

29 June 2025

Arrivals & Orientation

Day 1

Get ready to see where the city meets the jungle! Please plan to arrive at Tocumen International Airport in Panama City, Panama by 12:00pm to transfer to your accommodations in the Cerro Patacon region of the city. After checking in, you will gather for a delicious team dinner, followed by orientation by your team leader. We will go over clinic protocols, patient care guidelines, safety and security, how we work together as a team, schedules, and much more.

Meals: Dinner,

30 June 2025


Day 2

You and your team will provide training for local healthcare providers to continue IMR’s long-term, sustainable education efforts. Education is as important as medical and dental care for our patients. Each clinic includes basic health education according to the specialties and skills of the IMR volunteers, as well as the needs of the local people. When communities become empowered to take health and wellness issues into their own hands, they become self-sufficient. IMR provides learning opportunities for the local communities through classes and hands-on learning to sustain their well-being beyond our visit.


Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner,

1 July 2025


Day 3

You will be working at a site located in the heart of a community that works and resides at a garbage dump – one of the largest in the Americas. The people here have little access to care and will be eager to meet you.

After clinic, you and your team will return to your lodging for a debrief, dinner, and preparation for the next day of clinic.

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner,

2 July 2025


Day 4

Patients of all ages visit clinic, from newborns to the elderly, and there will be many families. Much of their hygiene revolves around bathing in small streams, and of course, much of their drinking water comes from the same source.

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner,

3 July 2025


Day 5

Your last day in clinic will be bittersweet as you reflect upon your patients throughout the week and the impact you hope you made on their lives.


Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner,

4 July 2025


Day 6

You will be transported to the Miraflores Locks this morning and will spend a half-day watching the big ships as they lumber upwards toward the Pacific Ocean more than 50 miles away. Take a tour of the museum and observe the ships making way up the canal!

The afternoon will find you in Casco Viejo, the historic district of Panama City, with time to relax from the balconies, shop for treasures, head for the beach, or explore the area with your new friends. Dinner is on your own tonight so that you can pick and choose as you wish – Casco has everything from nouveau haute cuisine to simple fare and lots of ice cream! Your team leader will host dinner if you wish to stay close to your accommodations.

5 July 2025


Day 7

Today, you will enjoy a final breakfast with your team before setting out for your departure home and onward journey. If you have arranged for IMR transportation, you will arrive at the airport with plenty of time to check in. If you are transferring on your own, taxis and Ubers are abundant.

Meals: Breakfast,


Your Journey

This itinerary is subject to change without notice.


Since you are already venturing across the globe, have you considered extending your stay by a few days to see a nearby destination? Many of our previous volunteers have chosen to extend their time in Panama in order to experience more of what this amazing country has to offer!

With time to partake in world-class fishing, kayak through the Panama Canal, take a tram tour of the rainforest or enjoy the Gatun Lake Expedition, this trip extension gives our volunteers an experience of a lifetime. Other highly recommended activities include hiking to Panama’s only volcano, viewing the famous Quetzal at the Parque Nacional Volcan Baru, and searching for the Geoffroy’s tamarin monkey.

To see what opportunities are available to you, please visit the website of our partner, Worldwide Navigators for more information. You can also contact them directly at (970) 633-3033 or travel@worldwidenavigators.com.

Minimum Donation

Your generous donation of $2700 will go toward the ongoing global relief to care for the underserved and vulnerable people of this community. As a member of this medical mission team, you will elevate the long-term impact of sustainable, capacity-building efforts that improve the health, wellness, and quality of life of those most in need. A small portion of your donation includes:

  • Clinic supplies and medications for patients
  • Clinic participation
  • Transportation, accommodations, and meals as outlined in the itinerary

Donation Payment Deadlines

$2500 due by March 31, 2025

$2700 due by June 1, 2025

Early Bird Savings Opportunity

To be eligible, the participant must upload ALL your required documents and forms, sign their liability form and make your 50% donation including your $35 application fee by March 31, 2025. This savings opportunity does not apply to disaster relief missions.

Featured Enhancements

Airfare & Airport Transfer
Starting at $50+ each way plus airfare that is subject to availability at the time of booking.
Single Supplement
$100+ per night subject to availability at the time of booking
Airport Transfers
$50 each way
Malpractice Insurance
$129.50 to $279.50
Continuing Education (CE/CME) Credits
Personalized Scrubs (2 sets)
IMR T-Shirt
Partner Program
Starting at $25 per month

**To purchase any of the above Featured Enhancements for your mission, please contact our office at office@imrus.org or call at (970) 635-0110.

Your Donation to IMR for Your Mission Cost Includes:

All group costs from the time you arrive at the team meeting point in country until you separate from the team or when the team arrives at the departure airport, including:

  • Transportation
  • Lodging
  • Costs associated with the clinic
  • Food
  • Tips for services provided to the IMR team
  • All logistics, including translation services and security as needed

Additional Costs That You Are Responsible For:

All group costs from the time you arrive at the team meeting point in country until you separate from the team or when the team arrives at the departure airport, including:

  • International and Domestic flights to the country.
  • Passport fees, visa fees, and transit fees, including baggage or overnight accommodations/meals while in transit
  • Required or recommended insurance
  • Vaccinations and medications common for travel
  • Spending money for souvenirs and personal purchases
  • Required or desired mission supplies, personal equipment, or small gifts for the special people you meet
  • Any lodging, meals, and transportation outside of the scheduled team mission, payable at the time of service to the local vendor
  • COVID-related fees such as testing, vaccinations, and quarantines as required by in-country arrival/departure or USA arrival/departure
  • Each team member is responsible for carrying medical supplies for the deployment. All fees associated with transport are the responsibility of the volunteer.